Animal Care: What Are the Potential Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?

Spayed and neutered animals live longer than unaltered animals. When you have your pet neutered or spayed, you not only provide them with a better and healthier life but also help reduce the number of stray animals in the United States. An animal lover who does not spay or neuter his or her pet is a negligent pet owner. How? First, they expose their pets to infections that can be averted through spaying and neutering. In addition, they subject them to the agony of a heat cycle. Second, unintended pregnancies are possible. There are already an excessive number of stray dogs in shelters, pounds, and on the streets. Why expand the human population?

Why should you spay or neuter your dog?

Here are three persuasive arguments for spaying or neutering your dog.

Prevent unwanted puppies.

If your female dog is not spayed in a spay & neuter clinic, she will enter the breeding season, or “heat,” once or twice a year for many weeks. Each time this occurs, she will be extremely attractive to male dogs that can detect her scent from a great distance. This may attract unwelcome canine guests and result in an unintended litter of puppies.


Having a litter is expensive and requires considerable time and effort. The doe will require veterinary care during her pregnancy. Delivery can be difficult and costly, leading to the loss of the dog or puppies. Following birth, the litter will require veterinarian care and vaccinations.


Additionally, finding suitable homes for puppies can be challenging. Spaying and neutering are responsible for preventing accidental breeding, which produces unwanted pups. Breeding must be left to breeders with a well-organized plan, an understanding of canine genetics, and an interest in conserving a breed’s greatest characteristics for future generations.

Reduction of certain health risks.

Spaying or neutering male and female pets can lessen some health concerns. Pyometra is a potentially fatal uterine illness that can occur in unsterilized females. Spayed females are less prone to develop breast cancers than unsterilized ones. Neutering a male dog reduces the chance of prostate illness and testicular cancer. A neutered male dog may be less inclined to wander. Go ask your vet or try it out here to learn more. 

Prevention of certain behavioral issues.

In addition to preventing male dogs from roaming, neutering can frequently, but not always, lessen or eliminate undesired behaviors, including leg-lifting and mounting. Neutering may also lower the aggression of certain dogs that could lead to less urgent or emergency veterinary care. Spayed females are far less prone to roam.


Millions of pets wind up in shelters each year. Spaying or neutering your pet will decrease the number of homeless animals. This permits shelter resources to be utilized more efficiently. In locations where spaying and neutering are not available, the euthanasia rate is significantly greater. About one-third of female dogs will develop pyometra, an infection of the uterus. Symptoms can manifest rapidly and are lethal if left untreated. Spaying the dog is the most successful treatment, but it is a significantly riskier operation than when performed on a young, healthy dog.