Database vs. Spreadsheet: Which One Is Better?

Database vs. Spreadsheet: Which One Is Better?

You’re not the only one if spreadsheets and databases perplex you. Developing databases is a whole field of research. A spreadsheet is frequently mistaken for a database, which is incorrect. While the phrases aren’t interchangeable, they do have a lot of similarities. While a spreadsheet resembles a database in appearance and functionality, it is fundamentally different.

Data management is a vital component of every business that aids in its growth and effective functioning. Recognizing the distinctions between spreadsheets and databases enables more informed data management and processing decisions.

What is a spreadsheet?

A spreadsheet is a data storage, analysis, and manipulation tool. A spreadsheet’s data is arranged in rows and columns and might be searched, sorted, computed, and shown in different charts and graphs. A specific spreadsheet program is required to develop an electronic spreadsheet.

What is a database?

A database is a collection of data that has been organized systematically. It connects the database and the users or applications, enabling them to comfortably upgrade and control data storage and organization. It has an intricate interface for novices, but it compensates by providing more reliable data integrity features.

How a Database Differs From a Spreadsheet

A database, like a spreadsheet, is made up of tables or collections of tables. Compared to spreadsheets, databases can hold a far larger number of tables. This is the most significant distinction among several others.

A database is a computer program that stores, manipulates, and retrieves data in its simplest form. Most databases have a tabular structure that allows data from various tables to be connected and cross-referenced. Tables enable data to be searched, organized and reported on faster.

Database tables hold unformatted data. The information is often formatted as a spreadsheet, and updating data might be time-consuming. Many databases provide forms or user interfaces that make entering and modifying data more accessible. Any field may sort data, and reports including only specific fields can be created.

Why choose a database rather than a spreadsheet?

Data Purpose

Spreadsheets are ideal for small amounts of numerical and text data. Databases may handle numeric and text values as well as photos and documents. Data downloads from data loggers, GPS devices, cameras, drones, and other gathering devices can also be stored in databases.

Some database interface tools that do not need a query language are available in the market. Basedash gives you SQL data as a chart even if you don’t understand SQL. It lets the user interact with the database in the same way as a spreadsheet.

Data Volume

Thousands of data points can be created for long-term projects with several monitoring terminals. Spreadsheets, compared to databases, can take up a lot of hard disk space. It can be challenging to comprehend a spreadsheet with several fields or a substantial volume of data (thousands of rows).


Databases are simpler to update than spreadsheets, specifically if the same information is kept in several entries or spreadsheets. A database can also do mass record updates. If environmental monitoring data for project sites are recorded in spreadsheets with regulatory requirements mentioned on each page, changing the regulatory standards necessitates updating all of the spreadsheets within the same database.

One of the great features of some database editors is that it permits easy setup for your system. Self-hosted database editor is also available; this editor is ideal for healthcare and financial businesses.

Data Integrity

Between databases and spreadsheets, data integrity is a critical difference. To ensure that the data in relational databases is reliable and accessible, they follow defined integrity requirements. Using primary keys and creating associations between data tables are examples of referential integrity.

Final Thoughts

Deciding on the suitable software to handle and store data is critical for any organization to function effectively. While spreadsheets have advanced significantly, thanks to Google Sheets and Google Drive; however, self-driven databases appear to be the trend of the future.

The ultimate decision is based upon your needs and the scale of your organization. This article intends to show the common parallels and distinctions between databases and spreadsheets and what would be best for businesses nowadays.