Important Things You Need to Know About Coronavirus Screening Test

As Coronavirus (COVID-19) proceeds to change our social and economic landscapes — people, businesses, and government organizations worldwide are made to take extra precautions to restrict virus transmission. Preventative steps such as hand sanitizing stations, face masks and shields, and plexiglass coverings are now commonplace in public and professional facilities. Keeping a safe, virus-free office is vital to carry on operations and avoid shutting down in an already challenging economy. 

Masks and shields offer a defensive separation between an infected individual and an uninfected individual, but preventing this infected person from coming in contact with others helps to get rid of the health hazard that they pose altogether. Running a coronavirus screening test is a frontline defense mechanism that may help keep infected or possibly infected individuals from your building.

RimotHEALTH is an automated coronavirus screening test that helps remove the expense of manual screening and can help reduce community disperse. The Kiosk provides a completely touchless solution derived from three chief components: a thermal imaging camera, an electronic questionnaire screen, and foot response pedals. Check the original link here.

The thermal camera automatically measures an individual’s facial and body modification, even if they are sporting most masks or eyewear. The poll provides a customizable survey to assess if the individual being tested is likely to have contracted the coronavirus recently. Foot response pedals allow people to issue their reaction without touching a possibly contaminated surface with their hands.

Combining the tactics of strategic questions and temperature measurements is crucial to decide whether someone poses a health risk to your own organization. The questionnaire may even be customized to match your distinctive environment and functionality. Questions can easily be removed or added as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve and we know more about the essence of this virus.

The data is collected and uploaded in real-time to a cloud-based host. You can see this information through your own management portal, accessible from your computer or smart device, to get an overview of real time and historic screening information. This platform is user-friendly and is supported by Rimot’s trusted and recognized monitoring system.

How to Use a RimotHEALTH Kiosk

First of all, if you are not feeling well, even if you’re only experiencing mild symptoms, you need to stay home. If you know you are not feeling well, there’s a high probability you will neglect the coronavirus screening test, and you should take the necessary steps to isolate yourself from others. It’s recommended to minimize the number of entry points in a facility to assist limit areas that can become contaminated, but when several admissions are needed a RimotHEALTH kiosk ought to be installed at every entry.

The process of RimotHEALTH is intuitive and straightforward to follow. An individual strategy the Kiosk and the thermal imaging camera will automatically take their fever. After their temperature is accepted, the survey will begin. The consumer issues their response to all queries utilizing the foot response pedals. When the questionnaire is done, the individual being tested will either pass or fail.

When a person passes the coronavirus screening test, they may continue in the building. They must, of course, follow all preventative measures such as social bookmarking and sanitization following government and company regulations. However, should they neglect, notifications and alerts are sent out to essential staff to make sure this situation is managed accordingly and the person is not allowed to enter the building?

What Are Your Options If You Fail the RimotHEALTH Screening Test?

The policies and processes set up for how government and commercial organizations are handling individuals who fail the coronavirus screening test is their own choice. As a guideline, advocated by healthcare officials, the person who fails a COVID-19 screen evaluation ought to be immediately redirected from others. Upon collapse, we commonly hear operations require this Person to:

  • Return home instantly and isolate for 14 days
  • Seek immediate medical attention/testing
  • Go to a secondary screening area for retesting

We’ve seen some businesses employ a failsafe in the testing procedure if an individual doesn’t pass the screening evaluation, usually when their temperature is over the approved limit. The individual will be asked to sit and relax in a separate room away from everyone else for around 15 minutes. This permits for their temperature to control if they’d only been exerting themselves somehow like biking or walking to work, or if outside temperatures are higher than usual. After 15 minutes, they’ll be asked to run the test once again.

Additional recommendations for limiting virus exposure and transmission by HealthCanada along with also the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Have a procedure in place for the safe transportation of an employee who becomes sick while at work. The worker might want to be transported home or to a healthcare provider. If waiting 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as you can.
  • During this waiting period, open outside doors and windows to increase airflow in these areas.
  • Inform workers of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace but keep confidentiality.
  • Most workplaces must stick to the Public Health Recommendations for community-related Exposure and instruct potentially vulnerable workers to remain home for 14 days, telework when at all possible, and self-monitor for symptoms.
  • Where possible, adjust policies and procedures to reduce social connections, like teleworking agreements, flexible hours, staggering start times, use of email, and teleconferencing.

Protecting Your Organization From Current and Future Health Threats

COVID-19 was an unanticipated event, but we have learned to expect the unexpected. Another virus such as COVID-19 is not unimaginable. Adding RimotHEALTH for your organization gives you an easy-to-deploy screening solution that can be used for present and future health issues. Read their post, they wrote and published their own content, check them out.

To acquire a better understanding of what adding RimotHEALTH for your own commercial or government organization could look like, contact us now to book a free demo.