Pet Sitting vs. Pet Boarding: Which Is Better for Your Pet?

If you have a pet, you should know it won’t always be with you. There may be times when you have to leave your pet behind for a few days or more. No matter the reason, if you’re a pet owner, you are responsible for keeping your pet safe. When deciding between pet boarding and pet sitting, it’s important to consider your pet’s needs and personality traits. This guide can help you decide whether to board your pet at a kennel or with a pet sitter.

Pet Boarding vs. Pet Sitting

For pet owners who need a temporary caretaker, boarding facilities and pet sitters are the most common options. Which one suits their needs, and what makes the two different? Let’s review what each of these entails so you can decide for your pet.

What is Pet Boarding?

Home animals can benefit from boarding facilities that offer short-term care for their furry friends. While you’re away, the trained staff at a boarding facility will take care of your pet’s basic needs, such as feeding, watering, walking, and playing. These caregivers know your pet’s nutritional, medical, and physical needs and act accordingly. Trained professionals will look after your pet until you can come to get them.

Pet Boarding Benefits

Your pet will be safe and secure in a kennel or pen at the boarding facility. In a cat or dog boarding facility, they are housed in close vicinity, but accidents are avoided thanks to the close monitoring of trained staff. For many pets, boarding can be a life-changing experience because of the chance to meet new people and other animals.

Pet Boarding Cost

Depending on the amenities and level of service selected, the cost of these boarding options varies greatly. The cost may increase significantly due to these extra features. Providing your pet with more one-on-one care can help ease the adjustment to a new environment with unfamiliar people, making the extra cost beneficial.

What is Pet Sitting?

A pet sitter comes to your home to take care of your pets while you are away. Your pet can relax in familiar surroundings, providing a more personal experience. While the sitter is there, your pet receives undivided attention.

Pet Sitting Benefits

Having your pet stay home in its environment is the primary advantage of pet sitting over boarding. Animals with health problems or anxiety may benefit from this, as they can spend less time in the boarding facility. If you hire a pet sitter, they can keep to your pet’s regular schedule and give them the attention they need. If your pet has a medical emergency, you can make sure that your pet sitter can take them to the vet in Madison, AL.

Pet Sitting Cost

These services are also variable but tend to be priced similarly to basic boarding, with few pet sitters charging extra for extra features. Since the animals are already in their stress-free environment, these features aren’t necessary. There may be an additional cost if you decide to provide a live-in sitter with meals, but this is typically less than the cost of extras at a boarding facility.


When deciding on the best care for your pet while you’re away, it’s important to consider factors like your pet’s age, health, personality, and special needs. Depending on your pet’s specific situation, you can weigh the pros and cons of each solution to determine which is best. To find out how your pets will react, try a short stay at a boarding kennel and another with a pet sitter.