Puppy Crate Training: How to Make it Successful?

Dogs are den animals by nature. In the wild, a dog’s den is home to him. It’s a safe space where he can rest or hide from his puppies without worrying about dangers or threats from outside. A crate solves a domesticated dog’s desire for a secure space to sleep. If used properly, your dog will love to rest, hide from the storm, and relax in the crate because it’s their sanctuary.

When done correctly, crate training may be a successful training method. As a new puppy owner, this method allows you to establish your home’s rules and order. It can also give the puppy a feeling of safety.

Training a Puppy in a Crate

If you’ve decided to test crate training, the next thing to do is figure out how to do it. Even though the amount of time needed to crate train each dog is unique, the goal is for your dog to love being in the cage. Crate training may be practical with these suggestions.

1. Pick the correct crate.

Be sure the crate you choose to use is of the right dimension. You’ll need it large enough for your pet to get up straight and turn without being too congested. As your puppy develops, you’ll likely have to utilize larger and larger cages. Another option is to partition off one portion of your puppy’s cage until they’re big enough. If the cage is too big for your dog, they could use part of it as a toilet.

You can visit this link, and read the articles about the proper ways in crate training your pet. Reading is essential for the earlier parts of your journey as a pet parent.

2. Set the crate in the proper place.

Your dog’s crate should be placed in the living area or a space in the home where you and your family can spend a lot of time in the event it is possible. It isn’t a good idea for your dog to think of cage time as punishment. 

Don’t allow him to link it with being apart from you. Imagine the crate as a bed for the dog while you are searching for the ideal location. Put it in an area that isn’t too secluded but not overly exposed.

If you’re new to pet parenting, you need to know the basics of puppy care. You also need the aid of a reputable veterinarian for tips and suggestions in your life as a fur parent.

3. Create a comfortable environment.

Before introducing your dog to their new crate, the crate is equipped with bedding and favorite toys. The idea is to make the crate appear more inviting for your pet. Make your dog’s crate more comfy by adding cushions or blankets. Certain dogs like to sleep on hard surfaces instead of soft ones, and they could damage or even ruin bedding.

4. Associate the crate with rewards.

Your dog’s enjoyment of the crate will make training more successful. It is done by utilizing it as a means of rewarding behavior and not as a method of punishment. Be sure to praise and reward them when they step into the crate. Sooner or later, they’ll be able to see that interacting with the crate will result in rewards.

5. Progress crate training gradually.

Training dogs can be an extended process, just like any other task. While the door is open, let your dog leave and come as they choose during brief moments of play within the crate. And do not force them into the crate. Treats may be scattered on the floor when they are on their own. Begin to close doors for a brief amount of time as your dog becomes more comfortable. Keep the container nearby and gradually increase the amount of duration your dog is in it. Once your dog feels comfortable near the crate, invite them to come inside by throwing them toys or other treats. It is also possible to provide meals for your dog in the cage.