Signs and Symptoms That Your Pet Needs to See a Vet

Should I take my furry companion to the vet? This is a great question, and it’s a relatively common query. Because far too many pet owners are anxious that they waited too long or brought their pet to the doctor too soon, and that they will be held liable if your pet develops any difficulties.

We typically warn them at this time that no amount of regret will keep their pet from receiving required therapy. However, this is an excellent chance to go over a few things that will help someone who is unclear when to contact a veterinarian.

Top Signs Your Pet Needs to See a Vet

Some annoying new behaviors may be a cry for assistance. While this might be aggravating, it can also indicate that your pet needs to see an emergency veterinarian. The leading indicators that you should see a veterinarian are listed below. Continue reading to discover more about it.

Eating Less Than Normal

Not all pets have voracious appetites, but most should eat regularly and be interested in food.

A loss of appetite might indicate an illness or oral injury. Keep an eye on your pet’s feeding patterns and arrange a vet appointment and set up a dog wellness plan if it hasn’t eaten in more than a day or two.

Changes in Their Respiration

You’re undoubtedly acquainted with the sound your pet makes as they breathe. If you observe any changes, such as hard breathing, rapid panting, or unusually short breaths, you should consult your veterinarian.

A typical resting or sleeping respiratory rate for dogs and cats should be less than 30 breaths per minute. Faster resting respiratory rates may indicate fluid accumulation in the lungs or lower lung capacity due to heart disease, cancer, or other respiratory disorders.

Restroom Habits Are Abnormal

If you discover that your pet’s potty habits have changed dramatically or that their excrement appears different than usual, it’s time to call your veterinarian.

Changes in the color, consistency, odor, or regularity of bowel movements might suggest various issues, including a poor diet, infections, intestinal parasites, or organ disorders.

Diarrhea and constipation are all indications that you should see your veterinarian from Hillcrest Animals. If you cannot bring in a stool sample for testing, take a snapshot of your pet’s excrement to show the physician if necessary.

They Vomit More Than Once in 24 Hours

If your pet vomits, it might be because they have a stomach ache or ate something that didn’t agree with them, but it could also be an indication of something more severe.

A single episode of vomiting or diarrhea may be insignificant, but notice when vomiting is accompanied by additional signs such as loss of appetite. In some circumstances, continuous vomiting may indicate a virus, pancreatitis, organ failure, intestinal blockages, or endocrine problems.

Animals who are vomiting and diarrhea all the time are at risk of dehydration. Pets suffering from these symptoms frequently require supportive treatment, such as water and anti-nausea drugs, and in extreme cases, surgery.


Our dogs provide us with various benefits, including companionship, loyalty, amusement, and unconditional love. In exchange, we do everything we can to keep those creatures happy and healthy. We are all heading in the right way as long as we all strive to do our best. Bring your pet in if you’re unsure what to do. It is preferable to get your pet examined and assured that everything is ok and set and discover that it is not too late.