Depending on the condition of your pet’s dental health and the symptoms they’re showing, there may come a time when tooth extraction will be necessary. When a tooth gets damaged beyond repair or has significant decay that must be removed to prevent infecting other teeth and causing infections, tooth extraction will be required. The aftercare needs and recovery time of every dog following their dental surgery will vary depending on their condition and the size of teeth extracted.
If your pet is due for a tooth extraction a few days or weeks from now, we’ll discuss several pointers for providing proper care when you take them home after their surgery.
How to Look after Your Pet Following a Dental Surgery
Some pets might not show symptoms of oral discomfort after an extensive dental procedure, especially if their drive to eat is great. However, this doesn’t mean they don’t require aftercare. Regardless of any surgical procedure, your furry family member will rely on you to take care of them until they recover fully.
So we’ve compiled five tips to guarantee your pet’s swift recovery after dental surgery.
1. Give Medications Prescribed by the Vet
Pets who have their tooth extracted are administered anti-inflammatory injections for pain relief. The vet will also provide extra medications for ongoing pain relief at home. It is vital to give medications exactly as prescribed by the pet surgery clinic, to prevent underdosing and overdosing., Also, don’t hesitate to call them if you’re having problems administering the medications.
2. Feed Them Chunky Meat or Soft Foods
Before you head home after your pet’s surgery, discuss postoperative feedings with the vet. Depending on the procedure, the veterinary dentistry professional may suggest wet or soft foods and prohibit hard kibbles until the surgical site has completely healed. This might take several days or upon the vet’s specific directions on when your pet can return to its regular diet.
3. Ensure Your Pet Gets Enough Rest
Prepare a quiet, safe, and comfy area for your furry friend to rest undisturbed following the surgery. Your pet should recover from the anesthesia within a few hours, although it usually takes 12-24 hours to fully recover. Your pet might seem drowsy, disoriented, or lacking in appetite during this time, so be proactive in assisting them and providing their needs that are easy to reach for them. If your animal companion remains like this after 24 hours, call the veterinarian immediately.
4. Inquire if Postoperative Checkup is Necessary
After your pet’s surgery, ask the vet dentist if a postoperative checkup will be required. If the vet confirms, book the postoperative follow-up appointment before taking your pet home.
5. Frequently Check for Indications of Problems
Even when your pet goes back to its normal routine and diet, it’s still important to watch out for any signs of issues that might happen after an extraction. Call your vet for advice if you notice the following symptoms:
- Showing aggression when touching their face
- Foul breath (Halitosis)
- Swelling or bleeding around the injury area
- Disinterest in favorite chew toys
- Dropping food while eating
- Excessive drooling
However, if you observe symptoms like frequent urination, sudden weight loss, shallow breathing, or rapid heartbeat, you must have your pet checked by an internal medicine vet. Conditions like digestive disorders, reproductive issues, tumors, heart problems, and other chronic diseases will require the attention of experts specializing in veterinary internal medicine.
Vet internists are trained in handling and diagnosing advanced internal medicine diseases to help pets live their best lives regardless of their serious condition. You may visit this page to see the common pet conditions vet internists specialize in treating.
Final Thoughts
Although most dogs do not experience many difficulties following dental procedures or extractions, they can use some rest and tender loving care from their pet owners to ensure they recuperate well. Your attention, love, and care for your pet make a huge difference in their speedy recovery. Do not hesitate to contact the vet dentist when your pet shows alarming signs while recuperating. Extra attention to detail during their recovery process can prevent and stop further complications.